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  • Protettori di etichette autoadesive trasparenti
  • Molteplicità di scopi
  • Protegge le etichette di carta sui libri; copiare libri. 
  • Utile per i bibliotecari; scuole, università, college o aziende 
  • Impedisce lo sbiadimento delle etichette e mantiene chiare le informazioni sull'etichetta. 
  • 76 mm x 22 mm o 75 mm x 40 mm

Protezioni per etichette facili

PrezzoA partire da € 39,00
  • Attaching a clear adhesive label over barcodes on books serves several practical purposes:

    Protection from Wear and Tear: Barcodes on books can easily get smudged, scratched, or otherwise damaged through handling. A clear adhesive label helps to protect the barcode from physical damage, ensuring it remains readable over time.

    Prevention of Environmental Damage: Exposure to moisture, dirt, and other environmental factors can degrade the quality of the barcode. A clear adhesive label acts as a barrier, keeping the barcode intact and functional even in less-than-ideal conditions.

    Preservation of Aesthetic Quality: Books, especially those in library settings, need to maintain a good appearance. Adhesive labels keep barcodes looking neat and clean, which contributes to the overall aesthetic quality of the book.

    Ease of Scanning: Barcodes need to be easily and quickly scannable. A clear adhesive label ensures that the surface remains smooth and free from obstructions, making it easier for scanners to read the barcode accurately and efficiently.

    Durability: Books in libraries undergo a lot of wear and tear through circulation. Clear stickers enhance the durability of the barcodes, ensuring they last as long as the books themselves.

    Cost-Effectiveness: Replacing damaged barcodes can be time-consuming and costly. Using clear stickers to protect barcodes helps avoid the need for frequent replacements, saving resources and reducing maintenance efforts.

    Overall, clear barcode stickers help librarians manage their collections more effectively by ensuring barcodes remain intact, readable, and aesthetically pleasing throughout the lifecycle of the books.

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